
Showing posts from February, 2023


There is a saying in Sanskrit “आरोग्यम् धनसंपदा” which translates to “Health is wealth” which almost all of us have heard from our elders.  Let us travel a little back to the start of this decade that is 2020-21. Imagining those years is quite horrible right…. Covid-19 had put a big question mark on our existence and medical knowledge. So now can you imagine what would have been the condition of women back in times when there was not even a single "female doctor"? Greetings, I am Anandibai Joshee, the first female doctor of India. My journey has been one of incredible struggle and perseverance, and I am honoured to share it with you today. As a young girl growing up in India, I was acutely aware of the limitations placed on women in my society. Education and professional careers were reserved for men, and women were expected to marry and take care of their households.   Image source: